Port Curtis Road State School staff are a dedicated team who strive to ensure all students reach their fullest potential.
All staff support and follow Our Vision.
Principal: Mrs Venetta Jones
Classroom Teachers: Mrs Sally Cross - Prep/Yr1
Mrs Gabrielle Palomar - Yr1/2
Ms Elizabeth Smith - Y3/4
Ms Bec Hooper - Yr5/6
Miss McKean - PE (Wednesday and Thursday)
Teacher Aides: Mrs Julie Baxter, Mrs Tracey Callaghan, Mrs Cherrie Collins,
Mrs Sharon West, Miss Sheridan Wooler
Administration Officers: Miss Ellen Everingham (M,W,F 8:30am-3:15pm)
No Office Open on Tuesday and Thursday
Cleaner: Miss Ganny
Groundsperson: Mr Warren Hinton
Guidance Officer: Miss Mel McCallum (Thursday)
Speech Language Pathologist: Mrs Tayla Oliver (Thursday)
HOSES (Head of Student Engagement Services): Miss Jane Downing (Tues & Wed)
School Psychologist:
Our Vision
At Port Curtis Road State School, we support students to be life-long learners with the provision of a safe, engaging, challenging learning enviornment for all students to strive to their full potential. Success is underpinned by our values of Play the Game, Commitment and Respect - every child matters every day.